Measures of Success (Student Achievement)
世界一流的高性价比教育使洛根成为热衷于追求医疗保健专业培训的学生的自然选择. 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行的学费很有竞争力,而且生活成本也很低, 学生可以用较少的学生债务获得优秀的教育.
在洛根,我们对教育采取与医疗保健相同的注重结果的方法. 我们真正致力于每个学生在学业上的成功, clinically and professionally. Our low student-to-faculty ratio, nationally prominent faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, 课程强调实用知识和技能是我们对卓越教育的持续承诺的证据. Our administrative staff, faculty, and academic technology team are passionate innovators, dedicated to quality face-to-face and online education.
The success of our programs, students and graduates are indicated by various measures, including course grades, board scores, graduation rates and student loan default statistics.
Logan is proud that its student loan default rate is 2.8%, considerably lower than the national rate of 7.密苏里州平均为8%,但高于华盛顿特区机构同行平均水平的1%.4. 这证明了我们的毕业生在完成学位后取得的成功,以及他们履行贷款义务的意愿和能力.
The NBCE Licensing Exam Success Rates 2019-2022
DC Degree Completion Rates
我们的愿景是承诺成为保健教育的领导者, to make a difference in the lives of our students, their careers and the health of future patients; and to continuously seek to improve existing programs and identify, design and implement additional complementary programs.
- 生命科学学士学位- 3+1学位,脊椎指压疗法博士学位.
- Bachelor of Science in Human Biology
- Master of Science in Applied Nutrition and Dietetics
- Master of Science in Nutrition and Human Performance
- Master of Science in Integrative Pediatrics
- Master of Science in Strength and Conditioning
- Master of Science in Sports Science and Rehabilitation
- Master of Science in Health Informatics
- Doctor of Education in Health Professions Education
- General Education and non-degree seeking courses
PA Program:
Logan University 已向医生助理教育评审委员会(ARC-PA)申请临时评审资格. Logan University anticipates matriculating its first class in January 2026, pending achieving Accreditation – Provisional status at the March 2025. ARC-PA meeting. 认证-临时认证是在计划和资源分配时授予的认证状态, if fully implemented as planned, 尚未招收学生的拟议项目似乎证明了该项目符合ARC-PA标准的能力,或者持有临时认证状态的项目在准备第一批学生毕业时似乎证明了在遵守标准方面的持续进步.
- April 2023 Graduate Outcomes
- December 2022 Graduate Outcomes
- August 2022 Graduate Outcomes
- April 2022 Graduate Outcomes
- December 2021 Graduate Outcomes
- August 2021 Graduate Outcomes
- April 2021 Graduate Outcomes
- December 2020 Graduate Outcomes
- August 2020 Graduate Outcomes
- April 2020 Graduate Outcomes
- December 2019 Graduate Outcomes
- August 2019 Graduate Outcomes
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行认为,教育应该是高质量和负担得起的. As such, Logan strives to offer a quality education, defined as meeting or exceeding our strategic goals, at an affordable cost, and charging at or below the mean cost for a similar degree.
- CollegeChoice “Best Online Biology Degrees” – Logan is # 3 (June 24, 2021)
- 最佳大学“2021年最佳在线生物学学士课程”- Logan is #4: (February 01, 2021)
- Affordable Schools “15 Best Affordable Biology, Biochemistry, Zoology Degree Programs (Bachelor’s) 2020” – Logan is #7
Student Persistence
学生坚持率至少达到90%被认为是专业学校的基准,代表了洛根的脊椎疗法博士项目(DCP)坚持的战略目标. DCP的持久率一直超过这个基准.
The NBCE Licensing Exam Success Rates 2018-2021
DC Degree Completion Rates
National Board of Chiropractic Examiner (NBCE) Results
与国家标准相比,NBCE分数是衡量一个项目为学生满足专业能力所做准备程度的众多方法之一, and compared to other programs. 洛根的DCP努力超越脊医教育委员会(CCE)的最低80%通过率的政策.
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行认为,教育应该是高质量的,应该是负担得起的. As such, Logan strives to offer a quality education, defined as meeting or exceeding our strategic goals, at an affordable cost, and charging at or below the mean cost for a like degree.
我们的愿景是承诺成为保健教育的领导者, to make a difference in the lives of our students, their careers and the health of future patients; to continuously seek to improve existing programs and identify, design and implement additional complementary programs.
The College of Health Sciences (CoHS) began in 2013. 运动科学、康复、营养和人类表现的理学硕士课程经历了课程改革,成为独立的课程. 两个理学学士(BS)项目是3+3个项目,成为捏脊医学博士项目(DCP)。. Both underwent curricular changes in Fall 2015; the BS in Life Science became a 3+1 program into the DCP while the BS in Human biology became a stand-alone degree. The CoHS started the MS degree in Health Informatics (MSHI),并于2016年夏季获得卫生专业教育博士学位(DHPE). The CoHS programs are currently online degrees.
Student Persistence
硕士水平的学生坚持75%或以上被认为是标准的最佳实践. Logan CoHS has a strategic goal to be at 80%.
Part-Time / Full-Time Online Masters
Graduation Rates
In the online Masters programs, our students are approximately 70% part-time, although they may become full-time anytime in their studies. 因为全日制学生的行业标准是项目的150%, 我们将硕士兼职学生的毕业率设定为5年,DHPE学生的毕业率设定为7年. 联邦指导方针规定本科学生6年毕业率为150%.
我们研究生学位课程的目标是75%本科学位课程的目标是65%. 这些目标是基于当前概述当前行业标准的文献而建立的.
MS in Nutrition and Human Performance
MS in Sports Science and Rehabilitation
MS in Health Informatics
Doctorate of Health Professions Education
BS in Human Biology
BS in Life Science
安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行认为,教育应该是高质量和负担得起的. As such, Logan strives to offer a quality education, defined as meeting or exceeding our strategic goals, at an affordable cost, and charging at or below the mean cost for a similar degree.
- CollegeChoice “Best Online Biology Degrees” – Logan is # 3 (June 24, 2021)
- 最佳大学“2021年最佳在线生物学学士课程”- Logan is #4: (February 01, 2021)
- Affordable Schools “15 Best Affordable Biology, Biochemistry, Zoology Degree Programs (Bachelor’s) 2020” – Logan is #7